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How to Convert HEIC to JPG on Mac

In order to create an account and upload your ID on our new website, it must be in the correct format. Here is a guide to converting HEIC files to JPG on a Mac computer. 
How to convert HEIC file to JPG with Photos

How to convert HEIC file to JPG with Photos

First, if you’ve transferred some HEIC images from your iPhone to your Photos library, you could simply drag and drop them to your Desktop or any other Mac folder, and they will automatically convert to JPGs. Second, Photos gives you quite a bit of control over exporting images, so you can simply convert HEIC to JPG files while exporting them and set your exact preferences for quality, color profile, etc:
  1. Select a few HEIC images from your Photos library
  2. Click File âž™ Export âž™ Export Photos in the menu bar
  3. Select all appropriate options for the new JPG images
  4. Click Export

How to convert HEIC file to JPG with Photos

First, if you’ve transferred some HEIC images from your iPhone to your Photos library, you could simply drag and drop them to your Desktop or any other Mac folder, and they will automatically convert to JPGs. Second, Photos gives you quite a bit of control over exporting images, so you can simply convert HEIC to JPG files while exporting them and set your exact preferences for quality, color profile, etc:
  1. Select a few HEIC images from your Photos library
  2. Click File âž™ Export âž™ Export Photos in the menu bar
  3. Select all appropriate options for the new JPG images
  4. Click Export
How to convert HEIC file to JPG with Photos